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Born and raised in Hong Kong, Will is now studying Filmmaking MA in London Film School, and also being a colourist at the same time. Will developed a keen interest in film as a child. After completing his studies in Economics and Finance, he pursued a career in banking that lasted for seven years. Although he enjoyed success in this field, Will's passion for film was reignited during his time living in Europe when he discovered Akira Kurosawa's Ikiru (1952). This led him to explore classic and contemporary works from around the world, inspiring him to pursue a career in filmmaking.


Since then, Will has been dedicated to creating visually stunning films and commercials while also honing his craft as a screenwriter. His first film which is a documentary about Chinese immigrants in Spain was nominated and screened in several film festivals in Spain.

Will draws inspiration from the works of Taiwanese directors Edward Yang and Ang Lee, who are celebrated for their masterful explorations of the complexities of human emotion and the ever-changing world around us.


With his diverse background and deep appreciation for the art of cinema, Will is committed to creating films that are not only visually stunning, but also thought-provoking and emotionally resonant.

Will 出生並成長於香港,現於倫敦電影學院(London Film School)修讀電影製作碩士,並同時擔任調色師工作。從小就對電影有著濃厚興趣的Will,因家裡裝了有線電視,所以從小就看了很多亞洲和美國 90 至2010年代電影。

在大學經濟及金融系畢業後,Will於銀行工作了七年。隨後移居了荷蘭和西班牙,並因一次偶遇的機會而看了黑澤明導演的 1952 年作品《生之慾》:這次觀影後,重燃了Will 對電影的熱情,並且開始翻看世界和亞洲多年來的電影經典。

此後,Will 決定從事電影製作事業,並開始在歐洲和香港製作電影和廣告。其在西班牙首次製作的紀錄短片入圍了多個西班牙電影節。同時,Will 也正在為日後的長篇電影編寫一些故事。


Will 的創作風格特別受到台灣導演楊德昌和李安的電影啟發,聚焦深入關注人物的情感、生活和我們周圍環境的變化。

© 2024  Will Chen

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